Wednesday, February 13, 2008

If looks could kill

It is sad how people treat each other. Why does anyone care about who lives and sleeps with who? I have never cared about who is sleeping with who. Why should I? I don't have to sleep with them. Yet so many out there feel that it is their God given right to pass judgement on others. This makes no damn sense to me. Some would tell me that they have every right to decide who can marry who, or what is "acceptable" or not.

When Christ walked on this earth was reportedly hanging out with some pretty unsavory characters. Everything from thief's to prostitutes. Yet, he said don't judge others, that was God's job. Now I know there are some that will rip into me for being so simplistic and will break out all kinds of their interruption of the Bible. Which really boils down to them vs. me. So I will upfront agree to disagree with ya. Furthermore, you keep your nose out of my bedroom and I will continue to do the same.

The photo below; On the left, Salt Lake City resident Cristy Gleaves (an out lesbian) testifying before the Senate Health and Human Services Committee in favor of a recently initiated domestic partnership registry. On the right, Utah's most gay-unfriendly Senator, Chris Buttars, who is pushing legislation that would block the registry from going into effect:


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