Thursday, February 28, 2008

Moving forward?

Seems that a lot of people in baseball want to "just move forward" from the congressional hearings with Roger Clemens. That the fans need closure as well as baseball. Everyone would be better served if we just put this whole ugly mess behind. Except there is the little itty bitty problem of SOMEONE is LYING! Not to mention broken the law.

This entire "ugly mess" is another example of how messed up our society is becoming. We have children being killed in school yards, gay men being attacked verbally and physically in public, and yet this mess needs to be closed. Once again, those with means will pay a fine, retire and play golf and maybe sit on a board of directors till enough time has passed to get in the hall of fame. Rome fell when sport became the center of the people's attention. They were more concerned with the sport and the sport figures then what the leaders and government was doing. Once again, history is repeating itself. Guess we should be proud though......we did it MUCH FASTER then them. We got the record!


Clemens a Hot Topic at Spring Training: ""

(Via .)

See mom, I told you getting an Apple was the right choice.

My mother recently had to replace her dying PC. She asked what she should do, and I asked her only one you want something that works? She is now the proud owner of a Macbook Pro.


(Via .)

Thanks ass

Leave it to the US to open its big mouth!


Prince Harry secretly serving in Afghanistan | UK news | ""

(Via .)

Hi, my names George Bush, and I am stupid

Blows me away how out of touch this man is. Talk about living in the palace with no windows!

Bush: U.S. is not headed into a recession - ""

(Via .)

Health care screwing around with people's lives....AGAIN!

And we wonder why there is a health care crisis in this country. Reality is why do we care? We get screwed coming and going when it comes to health care. It is getting old, hearing the whining from the government and more so the insurance companies. Talk about a run away bunch of freaks. Check the story after the jump.

Health | Bare-bones health plan left family swimming in debts | Seattle Times Newspaper: ""

(Via .)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Gay man attacked outside popular Lauderdale eatery

Another attack in Florida!

Gay man attacked outside popular Lauderdale eatery -- South Florida ""

(Via .)

This is sick

How many more pointless and senseless murders are going to be allowed before something is done? Why does anyone care who or what someone is. I don't care if its a choice or not (I don't believe its as much of a choice as it is how someone is born.) To this day, I have never cared or worried about what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Just not something I ever thought about or had the urge to know. Everyone has the right to sleep and make love to whomever they wish (course rape and molestation is exempt.)

This young man and so many more have had enough to deal with in their lives the last thing they need is for others to abuse them in any way. Yet, some think they have the God and governmental authority to say and do whatever they like about others. At the rate things like this keep coming out of Florida, we really should just give the whole damn thing to Cuba and let Raul deal with these losers.

Teenage boy dressed as woman shot dead - 02/23/2008 - ""

(Via .)

Apple COO: iPhone selling well, not "married" to one carrier


We knew it was gonna happen, but this opens the door!

Apple COO: iPhone selling well, not "married" to one carrier: ""

(Via .)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Now that I am really updating this damn thing on a regular basis. Think I should tell ya, that it is thanks to this software I am using. Called "MarsEdit" it is a blogging editing software program. Love this damn thing and it is what I have always wanted and thought was really needed to keep up a blog.

I know web 2.0 is here and is only going to get bigger, but I still enjoy and like to be able to work on things before I post them. Not sure why, just do and I am sure it is something I will not change.

Speaking of new things, my mom got a Mac the other day. OMG, will miracles cease to exist? She seems pretty happy with it and is picking things up pretty damn fast. Which is just another reason why I cannot understand why so many people can't get this stuff. My mom is no dummy, but the woman isn't exactly tech savvy either. Course, I can only hope she never learns how to blog, because that is just asking for trouble. Course, it would be a trip to see us make a group political blog and work on it together. LMAO! Might have to think that one over.

Right now, I am having to get focused on going to my sisters wedding. And how to keep a very low profile while I am there. Not everyone is going to be happy I am there I think. Course, that isn't anything new.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let me get this straight

Gay people marrying is bad for the sanctity of marriage???

Leading by example

This clip scares me a bit. How do young people learn with this as their example?

If looks could kill

It is sad how people treat each other. Why does anyone care about who lives and sleeps with who? I have never cared about who is sleeping with who. Why should I? I don't have to sleep with them. Yet so many out there feel that it is their God given right to pass judgement on others. This makes no damn sense to me. Some would tell me that they have every right to decide who can marry who, or what is "acceptable" or not.

When Christ walked on this earth was reportedly hanging out with some pretty unsavory characters. Everything from thief's to prostitutes. Yet, he said don't judge others, that was God's job. Now I know there are some that will rip into me for being so simplistic and will break out all kinds of their interruption of the Bible. Which really boils down to them vs. me. So I will upfront agree to disagree with ya. Furthermore, you keep your nose out of my bedroom and I will continue to do the same.

The photo below; On the left, Salt Lake City resident Cristy Gleaves (an out lesbian) testifying before the Senate Health and Human Services Committee in favor of a recently initiated domestic partnership registry. On the right, Utah's most gay-unfriendly Senator, Chris Buttars, who is pushing legislation that would block the registry from going into effect:


Tuesday, February 12, 2008


For months now me and freinds have been talking about when would there be a major update for Aperture. That lightroom was stealing their thunder. To the point some had already moved to lightroom. Personally, I held out and I guess in the next few days i will see if that was a smart move. But, Apple did update it and now Aperture 2 is here. Check it out.

Picture 1.png

Monday, February 11, 2008

Okay, so I love my iPhone....and

Everything just needs the right accessory. And this is mine.

They really are this good!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Why i love my iPhone

There are a few reasons why actually. First, if you have ADHD as an adult you know how hard it is to stay focused and organized. And to be honest carrying 15 pounds of a paper calendar around really sucks. My iPhone has the things I need to keep organized and always with me. Anyone that knows me will tell you i can't remember a damn thing. I have alarms galore on this thing reminding me about my meds to meetings I have scheduled and even when to call or email people on a regular basis. It really saves me!

ANother thing I love about it is something most people probably don't care or ever use but I do. I love having someone's picture pop up when they call me. I know who it is before I answer. That goes for companies as well. I just pull their logo and put it in as their picture. Even better is I have made some pics that I can replace on certian ones when I don't have a picture for them. Like, "DO NOT ANSWER, or ignore this call, VIP, answer, etc..." Course I have some more choice ones for the jerks of the world as well! And thanks to Garageband I can make my own ringtones. One they never offered, but had to make for myself is "silent." Yep, if you annoy me you are getting not only a do not answer pic but your ringer is silent and I don't even know you exsist. Least till I check voicemail and I can just erase yours without listening. I so love my iPhone!


Friday, February 08, 2008

Stupidity is alive and well!

Not sure why I am even wasting my time with this. These people are completely nuts!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

You have got to be kidding me!

What in the hell is going on with this country? Where are the leaders? This is seriously a sad statement for congress and the democrats should be held accountable.

Corruption is the new party in power!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Good days

Why did I post all that stuff about my health, well I am working hard now on getting myself in a much better and healthier place. Part of all that is finding away to hold myself accountable, and this blog is becoming that in someways. Also want to post on here how things are going for me since it would seem there is a few out there that want to know.

Yesterday was a good day for me actually. Got some walking in and took all my meds on time. My blood sugar numbers came down some and for the first time in a long while I woke up this morning under 200! Think I actually feel pretty peppy this morning. Which hasn't happen in a long time as well.

This is the first week of me being unemployed. It is a very weird feeling and something I am working at. Not easy for me to talk about as I am still working through it all and what this means and how it impacts my life and health. No doubt I will write about it more at another time.

Last night we watched an old movie called "Ice Station Zebra." It was pretty damn cool actually. Interesting to see how making movies has changed so much.


Back then when you couldn't make an explosion or other special effect they always did it "off camera." Meaning you would cut to the characters being knocked around and you heard the explosion. While today, they can make it for you. Special effects are awesome. Did you know when they made the movie "Hunt for Red October" there was not one drop of water used for the underwater shots. It was all computer generated.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Blogging - Should I?

This is something I have fought with for a pretty long time actually? Must be more something about myself or how I see myself then anything I have come to. Always wondered why would anyone care to read what I write on. Hind sight is showing me that it has more to do with my own issues then anyone else. Maybe that is the issue I need to work on and just blog on things and let it out about how I think and feel on things. Always heard it is better to ask for forgiveness, then asking for permission.

Couple people in my life have encouraged me to blog and such. And the draw of course for me personally is the entire digital existence mentality. Granted I am no authority on pretty much anything, but does that really matter? My gift might be my slanted view on things from the not so "normal." Sure it will teach me a lot of things I don't know yet that I can use in my business.

Part of this is coming from a book I just started listening to, yea its a audiobook. For a very long time I have always looked for the "right" way to do things. Like I had to have all things in order before I could start anything. Goes without saying this is a flawed thought process!

End result is I am going to be blogging a lot more and on all kinds of things. Will put links to the other blogs I will be working on. Please feel free to comment anytime on anything as I love getting responses and interacting with others.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

My Health II

So, left off with things from a couple years ago. Needless to say I lost my job as a truck driver pretty quick after all that happen. Which lead me to a time that was pretty damn scary to say the least. No job and trying to "heal" was a real shitty time. Mentally though I kept thinking that this was all just a bump in the road. Kept thinking everything would be fine and I would move past all this.

Now, the thought that just hit me is why am I writing all this? To be honest I have no idea. Other then I guess I hope this will help me see things clearly and that others might get some insight into how and why I do the things I do. Course that is for those that know me. Who might or might not ever read this. LOL

Anyway, I found a job and all that. Still convinced this was really nothing that big I went along with life pretty much ignoring how I was feeling. Didn't change much of how I lived including how and what I ate and such. Now in respect to being fully honest I was without any health coverage and couldn't keep up with meds and doctor follow up care at this time. In many ways as I look back I get very upset with myself. How stupid was I? Fact is ... I am pretty damn stupid and have been all my life. Often I wonder why I am so different. Is being normal so hard to attain, it sure as hell is with me. Guess about 16 months after my first run in with the ICU i had another one. Had chest pains and such. This time they found more blockages and gave me three more stints making my heart more metal then flesh. Since I was in the public health system this time around follow up care was pretty lacking. Except this time around I was pretty shook up. Not that many people knew I was, because I kept it to myself. Dumbfounded would be an understatement as to how I was feeling. The last time I had returned to full-time working within five weeks and this time around I was back within a week. Just kept telling myself I had no choice, I had to work. Wish I knew how to explain how emotionally I felt at that time but I am just not intelligent enough with my limited vocabulary and writing skills. During that time all I would push and think about was not thinking about what I thought or was feeling. Something I still seem to do.

My stress level went up by the end of the year and didn't slow down for over another year. Changed jobs and moved. And for the third straight year in a row I found myself going in for another possible blockage. Thankfully, they didn't find any this time. What was weird was this time I was bothered more emotionally and mentally this time then I had been before. I have basically used up the stint option and if any other blockages are found in the future, we are talking bypass. On top of all that, it was found that I am diabetic.

Wish I could tell you everything changed, but it didn't. Least not enough to really make a positive impact. Overall, my health has gotten worse. Goes without saying that it has really messed with me. Right now I am trying to deal with things and do the right things. I am better at it, but not enough.

My health

Last couple of years have been interesting for me. This post is going to be a bit long, so consider yourself warned.

Three years ago, I was in a job I was pretty good at. I was a over the road truck driver. In a division that was really awesome for a driver. Was making good money and really liked what I was doing. I was in the Bay area, when one night I was awaken with some pretty intense chest pain. It was very much like non-stop pressure. To be honest I just thought it was heartburn since I had been having that problem over the past few weeks (so i thought it was heartburn.) Now I don't think 39 is really all that old, so I never considered the problem was serious. In my family, there is nothing that can happen to you that a shower can't fix, (this would take too long to explain in this post, and my mother would prefer I not discuss it.)

Anyway ... I really just thought it was something that was temporary and go away. It didn't of course, and two days later I called my mom to ask her about it. Now, I might point out that if you are someone that doesn't listen to your parents you might want to re-think that. Mom said I should go to a hospital and get checked. Now I was on the road and going to the hospital in the middle of nowhere without anyone was not really something I wanted to do. Plus, I swear I still thought this was something that would just go away. Without making this too long, I will spare you the details of the trip home. By the time I got back to Seattle, a doctors appointment had been made for me. When I finally got out of the truck and back home I was feeling better. I was sure I had over reacted and that I was fine. No pain or anything for like two days.

Have my appointment on a Monday in the afternoon around 2 pm. Met with the doctor who I liked pretty much the minute I met her. That lasted all of 8 minutes. She wanted me to go directly to the hospital and get checked in. Please understand at this point I had not felt anything for the last two days. And that night we had reservations at a place I really loved with a very special friend. I was always told you don't go to a hospital unless your in dire health and I was feeling fine. Least I thought so. Few hours later while at dinner in a place I loved I started having pain again. Long story short I had a heart attack all while staring at pork chop that I swear was made by the gods. Didn't even get one bite! I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, which I might just add ... sucked!

If I could take a moment here ... whatever you have seen on TV about someone having a heart attack, it is so not how it really is. Like whoever thought jaw pain was a big indicator of a heart problem? I'd never heard of that or anything. Woke up the next morning in the ICU. They wanted to perform a procedure that would check my heart for any other problems. I truly believed that they wouldn't find anything and everything up till then would be explained away with something I did or didn't eat. Boy was I wrong (and something I have been a lot in the last three years.) They found blockages and wanted to install stints in my heart. Which they did that day with three. Couple days later they put in two more giving me a total of five.

Think this is enough for this post, I will continue in my next post. Hope this finds everyone happy and healthy!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Keep that head up!

More and more I am learning the power of positive thinking. Even though I am finding not the easiest thing in the world to do. But not doing it is not an option.

Everything I thought I knew is really up in the air at the moment. And I mean everything. And why in the hell do we have to have emotions, damn these things get in the way a lot! Right now I am fighting with myself on how open I should be on this thing. Ain't like keeping things to myself have helped me at all over the years. Maybe I need to be more open with myself and life in general.

Course, no one reads this damn blog so it isn't like I am giving up and secrets, LOL! UGH!!!!! More later!