Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Today's spies find secrets in plain sight - USATODAY.com

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Old thinkers are facing new.  The internet is an amazing and awesome tool.  Some in the Federal government are not  quite sure.  They see the internet and all of us as children.  Instead of listening to that kid in the corner that just might have the answer they are looking for.

The internet teaches us, it brings information to anyone and everyone.  Humans love to talk and spout off, all you have to do is  shut up and listen.  Want to know what  a terrorist group is thinking of doing, its out here.  Lets face it, they embraced the power and ability to communicate to everyone through the web.

Think about it, if you want to know something you go to a library and look it up.  Someone has written about everything at some point and it is all on those shelves.  Same with the net and it is a powerful resource that is waiting for the right person to find it all.  Maybe they should stop trying to train agents, and just hirre some bloggers?

Today's spies find secrets in plain sight - USATODAY.com

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