Saturday, March 22, 2008

Starbucks ordered to refund tips to baristas

About damn time.  Tipping has gotten totally out of control, and what is worse is when companies abuse it to increase their bottom line.  How does management deserve tips?  Hate when I go into a restaurant and the menu says for five or more a gratuity will be added on.  What the hell?  Tipping is and should be the individuals choice.

Went to a breakfast place and they had this on their menu, and added in was that this was the only way their staff can make a living wage.  HELLO?!?!?!  Pay them more you asshole!  The prices for breakfast in this town has skyrocketed in recent years and this has only padded the profit margin of the establishment.  Now of course, the owners will cry out that the cost of doing business has risen and they have to charge this much to stay in business.  Can anyone show or even tell us what these increases are?  Just would like to know what all goes into the cost of $9.00 French toast.  Think everyone would like to know.  Tell us, inform us so we can support you.

tip 3 |tɪp| |tɪp|
1 a sum of money given to someone as a reward for their services.

Where do it say this is expected or required?  It is something an individual decides to do.  And let me tell ya, when people get all out of shape because you don't tip them, they need to look at themselves and their attitude first.

Starbucks ordered to refund tips to baristas

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