Monday, July 21, 2008

Lieberman: Obama Couldn't Go To Iraq If It Wasn't For McCain


Hi, my name is Joe Lieberman, and I am a idiot. I screwed everyone over I know, and I can't decide what I stand for or not, just tell me where the wind is blowing and I am with it! Please remember that you can't believe a word I say because next week there is a good chance I will change my position and I just hope I can keep ahead of the voting polling info so I can be re-elected and give me more time to screw people over!

Lieberman: Obama Couldn't Go To Iraq If It Wasn't For McCain: "

Lieberman: Obama Couldn't Go To Iraq If It Wasn't For McCain
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ABC News   |   July 21, 2008 09:07 AM

Read More: Barack Obama Iraq, Joe Lieberman, Joe Lieberman John McCain, John McCain Iraq, John Mccain Surge, Lieberman Fox, Lieberman Fox News, Lieberman McCain, McCain Iraq, Obama Iraq, Politics News
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(Via .)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

NJ Mall AT&T Resellers Hand Out Anti-iPhone Propaganda to Customers


And Steve said......Fire "em!

Retail: NJ Mall AT&T Resellers Hand Out Anti-iPhone Propaganda to Customers:

(Via .)



OMG....Couple years ago, something terrible happen. It was tragic and beyond thinkable. That is until the Bush administration decided to become our mommy. Please read the attached story and tell me your thoughts. Is this simply just crazy or what?

Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News - "Want some torture with your peanuts?" by Aviation Security: "

Aviation Security

POSTED July 01 2008 2:18 PM BY BLACK & DENNING


By Jeffrey Denning

Just when you thought you’ve heard it all...

A senior government official with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has expressed great interest in a so-called safety bracelet that would serve as a stun device, similar to that of a police Taser®. According to this promotional video found at the Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. website, the bracelet would be worn by all airline passengers (video also shown below)."

(Via .)

Alabama A.G. Troy King Preparing to Resign Over Gay Sex Scandal?

This is a few days old, but it has been crazy in my little world lately. Read on and tell me what you think. This stuff really cracks me up!


Alabama A.G. Troy King Preparing to Resign Over Gay Sex Scandal? - Towleroad, More than gay news for more gay men: "


A spokesman for the Alabama Governor's office has denied that Alabama Attorney General Troy King is preparing to resign as rumors swirl of an explosive scandal involving King, his wife, and a male aide:

'The word is, according to multiple sources in Montgomery and elsewhere, that King was recently caught by his wife in a gay affair with a male aide and banished from his home. According to Tara Hutchison in the executive office of the governor they have heard of no plans in the works for King’s resignation. She said she had not heard that he had been kicked out of his home because of a gay affair. Governor Bob Riley’s press office had refused to return multiple phone"

(Via .)

Privacy and your rights are slipping you even know it?

Recently, I had a lengthy conversation with a friend about how I felt it was wrong and should be illegal for companies and the government to access Facebook and others. In as much as these sites are open to the public, should they be used to decide if you can be hired or used against you in court? How many times have you said something stupid to a friend, but that was just between you and them? How many times this week have you said something that was between you and someone else and not for general consumption? At one point in this country we made it illegal for others to record what you say. As we know that is also not as true anymore.

Social sites are by and large a wealth of information on people. Think about it, they tell the world everything from where you go, what events you attend which include political tendencies. Religious affiliations you hold to. The internet is a wonderful and awesome tool. But, like with any tool it needs to be used correctly. Locksmith has tools to open anything, but their are strong rules in place to assure they aren't used wrongfully. Social sites should be afforded the same protections.

No company, or government agency should have access of any kind to them. The government seems to have forgotten who they work for. Would restricting their access to the sites make their jobs harder? Well I would hope so, they are in the business of having to make their case. It should be hard.

In this article the defendant was to be placed on probation, but got two years because based on a photo the judge felt that the man was really not remorseful. This only illustrates again why we the people are have rights and protections under the law. Are you telling me that every other person before you believed them when they said they were sorry? That all you needed was a photograph showing other wise and you would have "put them away?" We are living in a time where we are increasingly being watched and recorded. In many parts of this world you can not go a day without being recorded.

Posting on a social site is the decision of the individual. I am amazed by some of the things people post too. Yet, isn't that what we have always done. Just before it was said between us and no one knew? Is it any different then it was 50 years ago, just now you can see and hear it more? It isn't anything new. Just now, non-breathing non-living entities claim the right to know and see them. They claim they need this information. We have already seen the concept of privacy all but die at this point. Is our privacy something we can even save at this point. Remember when your credit rating was private? Now anyone and everyone can see it, and use it to determine more then if you likely pay for something over time. It is used to decide if you are worthy of living in certain places, be employed or fly on a plane. Amazing how individuals are being told that they need to hold themselves to a level that companies and the government are not.

Web networking photos come back to bite defendants - Yahoo! News: "HomeU.S.BusinessWorldEntertainmentSportsTechPoliticsElectionsScienceHealthMost Popular
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Web networking photos come back to bite defendants
By ERIC TUCKER, Associated Press Writer
Fri Jul 18, 1:24 PM ET
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Two weeks after Joshua Lipton was charged in a drunken driving crash that seriously injured a woman, the 20-year-old college junior attended a Halloween party dressed as a prisoner. Pictures from the party showed him in a black-and-white striped shirt and an orange jumpsuit labeled 'Jail Bird.'

In the age of the Internet, it might not be hard to guess what happened to those pictures: Someone posted them on the social networking site Facebook. And that offered remarkable evidence for Jay Sullivan, the prosecutor handling Lipton's drunken-driving case.

Sullivan used the pictures to paint Lipton as an unrepentant partier who lived it up while his victim r"

(Via .)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Flip Floppin

Honestly, in the last general election all we heard about was flip flopping. To the point that it drove me nuts. Both sides did it and still do. But, this time it seems bigger and more scary. Have said since day one of Obama's run for the White House, that the problem him was we know nothing of the man.

Who would be in his administration? Excuse me, but haven't we learned by now its the Karl Rove's of the world that is what is scary. Those people that aren't elected that make policy and move the powers to be to this agenda or that agenda. Least with McCain and Clinton we knew what we were getting. As failed as it maybe, least you knew. Obama is an unknown and a that is a much bigger problem. Who is he going to have in the State Department? Who is going to be sitting in the Oval Office pushing policy and direction? Do you really think the President does that?

Yes, Hillary is a bitch, we know that and so we can deal with that. McCain is just stupid, again we have already dealt with that for the last eight years. Change is good when things are broken, that's a given. But, what change is needed and how it will be changed is paramount.

Obama maybe a newbie in the big club, but he is showing he is very good at playing the game, even more so then those that have been up there for decades.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Wrong Aid

Not sure where this is from. But, it is simply stupid. Should this be against the law? No, I don't think so. He has every right to stand up and show his stupidity and be protected. Equally I think anyone has the right to peacefully protest his store both physically and more so with their money.

We all know voting in the traditional sense doesn't really work any more. But, your money talks louder then anything. Picket the guy and don't buy anything. That is how you effect change in the free market place.

Wrong Aid: "

Pretty amazing isn’t it? It sounds like this manager, Tom Marquez, has quite the problem with gay people. This poster reminded me first of the ‘No Blacks’ posters, or the ‘No Irish Need Apply’ posters. It could have easily said:

This store does not believe in Black and White marriages. Any black and white activity, which includes kissing, hugging, touching, or anything else that would make our customers feel uncomfortable is prohibited in the store. You see, the message is the same-only the words are the same. Would the black and white poster be allowed up? Nope. My guess is that Mr. Marquez is going to be in a bit of hot water over this one. More on this at


(Via Best Gay Blogs.)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Jeff Sommers: A New Age for Latvia Dawns?

Jeff Sommers: A New Age for Latvia Dawns?: "home / subscribe / donate / books / archives / search / links / feedback / events / faq

The New Print Edition of CounterPunch, Only for Our Newsletter Subscribers!

General Petraeus' Fake War
How the Press and Congress Eagerly Swallowed It

EXCLUSIVE  to subscribers in our latest newsletter, Gareth Porter dissects two years’ worth of successful lying by Gen Petraeus and his propaganda team. Guess what? The FBI AND DOJ didn’t specially  target Muhammad Ali. Those G-men were just following normal procedures! Alexander Cockburn reviews the latest effort to ‘revise’ the Sixties. Dick Cheney ‘didn’t understand the legalities.’ James Abourezk describes his efforts to close down the lethal liquor operators that prey on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Whatever happened to the class war? Read Serge Halimi and find out.   Get your copy today by subscribing online or calling 1-800-840-3683 Contributions to CounterPunch are tax-deductible. Click here to make a donation. If you find our site useful"

(Via .)


